04 September 2007

Can PowerPoint not suck?

This is maybe the best way to think about the work world's most annoying necessary evil app ever.

You can use fewer words, better pictures, tweak the transitions all you want, but until you think of it differently from the start... you might just have a less bad PowerPoint screen. Use it fundamentally in a different way, and keep the focus on your overall presentation and YOUR thoughts. You know, where it should be anyway?

Check out the article and the author's demonstration of the technique. Mighty compelling way to set up a room.


chuck said...

PowerPoint is the enemy!

Andy Askren said...

Ah, but Grasshopper, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
~ Sun-tzu, Chinese general & military strategist (400 BC)

Andy Askren said...

And after just installing iWork 08, it occurs to me that, "YES! ppt could not suck if it were +KEYNOTE+!" But yeah, kind of tangent to the original post.
Carry on, my wayward son.